In The Family Way: Infiniti’s FX45 puts tons of Sport into Sport Ute
Toronto Sun
If ‘60s VW Beetles were called “pregnant roller skates” by snide drivers of big American iron, does that make Infiniti’s FX45s “skateboards on steroids?” Infiniti has created an interesting looking, hard-charging SUV-sports car mix in the FX series vehicles. Read more…
In The Family Way–And The Winner Is…
Toronto Sun
Well folks, our year is up. We’ve tested every family car that ever caught our fancy. And when it came time to close the deal on which one to purchase, one of the first cars tested fought off all challengers: the Volkswagen Jetta Wagon 1.8 Turbo. Read more…
In The Family Way: Riding High in the Saddle in the Escalade ESV
Toronto Sun
The Cadillac Escalade isn’t subtle. You want subtle? Try a grey Camry, a blue Magic Wagon, any 626. The Escalade is not meant for subtle entrances. It’s size and razor-sharp front-end styling draw
gawks like white shirts draw BBQ sauce. Read more…
Road Rules: Prepping For The Family Ride To Florida
Toronto Sun
It’s Ontarians’ ultimate family road trip: a cross-country trek to Florida along infamous U.S. Interstates. With more than 5,000 kilometres of mom, dad and the kids wedged between sand buckets and surfboards, it could be a recipe for frustration and fatigue…. Or you could do like we did and make the family road trip as much of a vacation as our final destination. Read more…